Tarot & Oracle Readings
Geomancy & 3 Card Reading
(Past, Present, Future)
Good for day to day readings
Geomancy, Tarot & Rune Reading
(Our most popular reading)
10 card Celtic Cross spread & 3 runes
Covers a period of around 3-6 months  
Crystal Life Reading (An in depth
reading using crystal therapy )
Focuses on life events, based on
specific questions.
We offer a friendly & genuine service provided by a real person with 30 years experience in accurately reading Tarot and Oracles.
We will not ask you for any personal details such as your birth date nor send you any unsolicited follow up emails.

This is not a "cold reading" and requires your participation.

For all tarot readings I use Geomancy, an ancient art of reading sand and rocks, which I developed 10 years ago for use on the internet.

All readings are usually sent out within 24 hours of receiving your return Geomancy email but may take a little longer during busy periods.
The boring bit:
Under UK laws you must be over 18 to order this service.
Also under UK law I am required to tell you that readings are for entertainment purposes!
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